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Edith Moorhouse Primary School Reach For The Stars


Magical Maths - After School Club

*Maths is fun and it is all around us!*

At Edith Moorhouse, we aim to make learning fun and accessible for all.

At the end of last term, we invited 'Professor Poopenshtinken' into school to bring and share his LOVE and ENTHUSIASM of maths.

The Magical Maths team gave a 15-minute introductory session in every class, from Reception to Year 6. There was such a buzz of excitement around school as the Professor visited each classroom! The children (and staff) were intrigued and set to work with solving the puzzles afterwards!

We have already had a lot of interest from parents/carers signing their children up for these after school clubs (open to children in Year 1 to Year 6) but there are still a few places available. The KS1 and KS2 clubs start after the Easter break and are set to inspire your child and making maths fun!

Click on this direct link to sign up

Don't delay...make maths magical!
