Please take a look at our welcome video on the 'About us' page. We hope you enjoy the virtual tour of our wonderful school!
Modern Foreign Languages
At Edith Moorhouse we expose the children to multiple languages across their time with us from Pre-school through to Year 6. Once in Key Stage 2, their formal learning of languages begins where they will be taught French.
We use Language Angels for the planning of MFL lessons. We chose Language Angels because their resources link teaching to the 12 attainment targets set out in the DfE Languages Programme of Study for KS2 as well as giving a comprehensive history of pupil learning and progression in the main language learning skills – speaking, listening, reading and writing. The team at Language Angles are foreign language specialists with over 25 years of experience developing resources for primary schools.
We encourage Foreign Language learning to continue at home, on the Language Angels App. You will be able to find the app by visiting the Apple App Store or Google Play store from any Apple or Android device and searching for ‘Language Angels’. Look out for the angel character in the app icon so you know you are downloading the correct app. For the school's username and password, speak to your class teacher who will be happy to provide this to you. All access to their interactive platform will then be free for your child to use at home.