
Please take a look at our welcome video on the 'About us' page. We hope you enjoy the virtual tour of our wonderful school!

RLT Trust
Home Page

Edith Moorhouse Primary School Reach For The Stars



We welcome visits to view our school, these can be made by contacting our School Office, who will arrange a meeting with the Headteacher or a member of our Senior Leadership Team. 


You can apply online through Oxfordshire County Council for a place in our school if your child is in a Reception through to Year 6 class.  Applications for our preschool are made directly through the school, you will need to complete our enrolment form and return to the School Office.  Please note that even if your child has a place in our preschool, it does not guarantee you a place in Reception and you will still need to apply through Oxfordshire County Council.  Our published admission number (PAN) is 45.

Reception Admissions


If your child's birthday falls between 01/09/2020 - 31/08/2021, applications for a reception place in September 2025 can be submitted from 4th November 2024. The deadline for online applications is 15th January 2024.


Children are considered to have reached statutory school age in the term after their fifth birthday.  However children may start full-time school in the Foundation Stage Unit in our Reception class at the beginning of the year in which they become five.  


The policy of Oxfordshire County Council is to give parents as much freedom of choice of school as possible.  Normally there is a place for pupils at the school which serves the area in which s/he lives.  Parents are free to decide whether to accept that place or to seek a place at an alternative school where there is room.



If you wish to appeal your child's school allocation to primary or secondary school, please refer to the appeals timeline below.


Secondary school


For secondary school entry into Year 7 in September 2025


12 September 2024Applications open.
31 October 2024Closing date for applications.
3 March 2025National offer day: look online, receive email and letters are sent out by second class post where needed.
17 March 2025The last date for responding to an offer and placing a child's name on a waiting list in response to offers made on 3 March.
September 2025Start of the school year.





Primary school

For primary school entry into Reception in September 2025




4 November 2024Applications open.
15 January 2025Closing date for applications.
29 January 2025Last date for confirmation of change of address.
16 April 2025National Offer day: offer letters sent by second-class post where needed and emails sent to those who applied online.
30 April 2025Closing date for late or amended applications
Closing date to respond to offers made on 16 April and to join continued interests list
September 2025Start of the school year.



Please let us know as soon as possible if you are moving away from our school.  You will be given a leavers form which we request you complete and return to the school as soon as possible.  This will enable us to promptly forward any information to your child's new school.


Parents will be given their child's books and records which we ask you to deliver to the receiving school.  The school will then contact us to confirm your child's arrival.  We will ensure the minimum of disruption to your child's education.


Children remain at Edith Moorhouse School until the end of the Summer Term after they reach the age of eleven.  Prior to transfer, the parents of all children concerned will receive information from the County Education Officer outlining the provision available in the area.


To apply online click here


The designated secondary school for this area is Carterton Community College.  


You may also find the 'Transition to Secondary School A Parents Guide' useful .

Over subscription criteria:


Should we have more applications than spaces available, the Local authority will offer places based on the below criteria in order or rank.


0EHCP Naming School
22. Des Area / Sibling
33. Des Area
44. Sibling
55. Other
6Travel - Yes
7Travel - No
8Travel Accepted
9Travel Rejected

In Year admissions (Reception to Year 6):


All in Year transfers are dealt with by Oxfordshire County Council. If you would like to apply to move your child, please use the below link:


