Please take a look at our welcome video on the 'About us' page. We hope you enjoy the virtual tour of our wonderful school!
PoEMS (Pride of Edith Moorhouse School) are a small, friendly group of parent and teacher volunteers from the school, who are dedicated to raising funds for the school and enhance children’s school experiences.
We organise events throughout the school year, including school discos (a real hit with the kids, especially the tuck shop!), Christmas after-school events, Easter and summer activities, Year 6 leavers' events, and some non-uniform days.
Thanks to the support of the parents to such events over the years, we have successfully raised money for items that broaden the children’s educational journey at the school. These include 11 digital cameras – one for each classroom and a digital piano to enrich the school's musical offerings. Last year, the money raised went towards the Wonder Dome, ice pops for children to cool down on Sports Day, gifts for each child at the Christmas lunch and a donation of £100 for each year group to support their activities and needs.
This year, we are excited to announce that we are helping the school to raise funds for a new school library; something that will enhance the learning experience for every child that attends the school now and in the future. To support the library project, we will have several exciting fundraising activities planned for this year. Please keep an eye out for key events in the school Newsletter and on our Facebook Group – Edith Moorhouse PTA – POEMS
POEMS always welcomes new fundraising ideas and volunteers to help at events. We will not ask for a big commitment, but even if you can spare just an hour every now and again please come along to a meeting to find out more. Without your support, we would not be able to hold these much-loved activities.
PoEMS Committee:
Chair: Camilla Dixey & Rebecca Lazarus
Treasurer: Lily Barfe
Secretary: Chrissie Bennett
To contact PoEMS, email us at or send a message to the school office.
Join us in making this year's fundraising a success and helping our children explore the joy of reading in a brand-new library!