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Edith Moorhouse Primary School Reach For The Stars



The role of governors at our school


The governors at Edith Moorhouse play an active and positive role in the development and monitoring of the school aims and targets. We are here as a ‘critical friend’ to the head teacher and the school community by providing advice and support, but also to ask questions and challenge proposals and results. Governors make regular visits to the school.


Throughout the school year we monitor progress towards achievement of the school aims and targets, and we review the effectiveness of school policies. Through work in various committees, we are responsible for overseeing (amongst other things): Spending of the allocated school budget, recruitment of new staff, and ensuring the law is correctly followed in areas such as the curriculum, health and safety and safeguarding. 


Have your say


Governors are always keen to improve our engagement with all members of the Edith Moorhouse community, including parents. We encourage parents and staff to get involved in the development of our aims and policies and to provide feedback on ongoing achievement.


If you are interested in supporting the governing body at Edith Moorhouse, please get in touch - we would love to hear from you. We are an open and friendly group of people committed to improving outcomes for the children at our school.


The governing body


Governors serve for a standard term of four years before they must be re-elected. The Chair of governors must be re-elected every year.


Governor name




Pecuniary interests

Marie LowryHeadteacherAll areas covered by LGB01/09/2024Husband is the school site manager
Glenda PowellChair of GovernorsAll areas managed by LGB

13/09/2020 - 4 years

Ext: 22/10/2024

Amy ArthurParent GovernorAll areas managed by LGB17/05/2023 - 4 yearsNone

Colin Brown

Parent Governor

Health & Safety 

All areas managed by LGB

01/05/2022 - 4 years


Wendy FosterCommunity GovernorAll areas managed by LGB08/06/2021 - 4 yearsNone

Gemma Greenaway-Byrne

Parent GovernorAll areas managed by LGB09/07/2021 - 4 yearsTeacher @ Faringdon Academy of schools

Amy Thomas


Staff Governor


All areas managed by LGB04/09/2024Employed by the school



Governors who served in the last 12 months, but are no longer serving:

Erin Propert-Lewis - Staff Governor

Hannah Clark - Community Governor 

Pamela Evans - Headteacher


If you would like to contact any of the Governors above please email the the school office who will pass this message on confidentially; 

All correspondence with the Chair of Governors should be addressed to:


Mrs G Powell

Edith Moorhouse Primary School

Lawton Avenue


OX18 3HP


All correspondence with the Clerk to Governors should be addressed to:

Mrs Leyla Kizilcay 

Edith Moorhouse Primary School

Lawton Avenue


OX18 3HP


Minutes from Full Governing Body meetings are public documents and available for anyone to see.  If you would like to see the minutes of are Full Governing Meeting please ask at the School Office.
